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Birmingham Birmingham 2 Birmingham 3 Chinese Chinese 2 Fake Britain Fake Britain Pinky
Glasgow Glasgow2 Kitchener Monkey Metal Steel Centred Type LCD Type XXI Sheffield

First appeared around Birmingham in Autumn 2016 (Where they are presumably manufactured or imported to).
Can be split into four categories ; 'Zombie', 'Version 2' (which is a very worn Zombie portrait), 'Version 3' (which has a whole new portrait) & 'Realistic' types.
There are three edge inscription subtypes for the Technology coins, two of which are very similar (one exhibiting stretched out D's & R's) and the third (v3) showing larger letters across the whole motto.
See Comparison Here. Version 3 started appearing in Spring 2019.

BRUNEL-STAT-B UNION-B T08-B T09-B T10-B T11-B T12-B T13-B T14-B T15-B

SUB : T08-Bv2OE T09-Bv2OE
Sub : T11-Bv2 Sub : T12-Bv2 T13-Bv2 T14-Bv2 Sub : T15-Bv2

These can be split into three sub-categories, based on the edge inscriptions.
v3OE = Old Edge (Same as the Zombie Queen types above), v3 = New larger font & v3e2.

T09-Bv3OE T11-Bv3OE T12-Bv3OE T14-Bv3OE T15-Bv3OE
T11-Bv3 T13-Bv3 T14-Bv3 T15-Bv3

UNION-Br T08-Br T09-Br T10-Br T12-Br T14-Br

There are at least two obverse finishes on the Realistic Queen coins... presumably an attempt to get them to look even more realistic. See a comparison HERE

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